Saturday, February 28, 2009

How to Attract More Traffic to Your Blog With Blog Graphics

Blogging is a great free way of attracting targeted traffic, especially if you host your blog on your website.

A blog post does not have to be very long, so there is no reason why a disciplined blogger cannot post fresh content at least once a day.

But beware of turning your blog into something like Hamlet's book, all "Word, words, words" and no pictures!

A wordy blog with no pictures can be a big turn off, so, make it more appealing on the eye by including a photo or illustration or two in some of your posts.

What type of images should Internet marketers add to their blogs to make them more appealing?

If you are describing an affiliate product, include a product image. You should be able to get relevant images from the affiliate tools page of the program.

"Product in a box" images are good for focusing attention. If your product does not come with one of those, a banner ad will be fine.

Use an image of the book cover when writing book reviews or discussing ebooks. If you can find a photo of the author, that will greatly enhance the impact of the review.

If you want to post a review or recommendation of a website, ask the owner if you can use the website logo. Failing that, if the website is in the top 100,000 on, you could post an Alexa traffic graph.

If you are talking about a "widget", add either the widget itself, or a screen shot of the widget to your post.

When you post an image, hyperlink it to the site in question.

When writing a string of related blog posts, use an eye-catching image to "brand" the series and provide sense of continuity.

You can either use your own photos or search on Google for images that come with publishing rights, such as those published under a Creative Commons licence, or available on

It will be all the better if you can find an off the wall photo to use as a metaphor for your main topic. You can make the tenuous connection between the image and the message stronger by adding a witty caption.

Each time you upload an image you can use the ALT tag to write a keyword rich title for SEO purposes.

If you cannot find a good photo or image for a particular blog post, don't let that prevent you from posting anyway. Your main aim is to keep your blog updated on a daily basis with fresh, engaging, and relevant content. A blog post that is bereft of images is nevertheless better than no blog post at all! It is just that images speak a language of their own and enhance the character of your blog.

Adding pictures to your blog posts is a good way to attract more visitors to your blog and make them want to return to it but you still have to write good quality content to finish the job your image started!

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